In the interest of one & all...........

My Dear Country Men!

At the very outset, Mr. Kejriwal, please accept my heartiest congratulations for your bold & laudable move by giving v.c of IP University, a free hand to make it one among top ten universities, in the world.
This is the only reason, Delhiites have mandated you overwhelmingly this time, as a matter of fact.

Hence avail the historic win as an opportunity & introduce drastic reforms wherever needed under your jurisdiction, delegating authority to competent persons.

If you govern Delhi this way, I assure you that this is the healthy beginning, & very soon we will witness Delhi to be MECCA in education field. While on the subject, I would like you to have a glimpse over my following little advice:

 1) First & foremost, make sure that all 12th pass out Delhi students  must get admission in Delhi itself as per their desired stream based on the marks scored , unless opts otherwise.

2) They should register themselves at one point only with 12th mark sheet indicating their choice of course & university/college. Make sure that all their queries & problems should be solved here only & under no circumstances they should be compelled to move from pillar to post for any problem, big or small.

3) All these facilities should be computerized & automatic & once registered themselves at designated center, they should be able to see their status online.

4) This can be done by opening one full-fledged students facilitation center laced with one Master Computer attached with minimum 50 slaves (computers).

5) Those want admission through entrance test, need not go anywhere but students facilitation center only & their admission also automatic & online based on marks obtained in competitive exam & also as per merit list.

6) Needless to tell that admission through entrance test must have advantage over direct admission in terms of college & faculty.

7) Those missed out should be placed by launching second session (afternoon/ evening) or in correspondence course.

8) If need be, reintroduce the facility of appearing as a private student. Practical should not be a hindrance in this endeavor.

9) Final leftovers should either be absorbed in vocational course or so-called skill development center, through proper counselling.

10) Let there be 3 or 4 years course both run simultaneously with clear information to them about its merit & demerit. Choice lies with them (students).

11) Let Govt. & Pvt. universities run together, but regulate them in such a way that quality shouldn't be compromised under any circumstances.

12) Boldly introduce the best from tops like Harvard, Oxford & Cambridge & if this is not feasible economically, we may try other Asian countries model such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea & Taiwan. At least their one to three universities are among top 200.

13) Hire faculties from the world over but ensure frequent interaction among Govt. and Pvt. Institutions so that everyone gets benefitted equally.

In case you do this, you will transform the whole education system from top to bottom in undergraduate levels & paving the way for quality sea change in
Higher education also just within four years. All the best & good luck!


[Writer (Sinha.P.K a member, AAP) is an amateur & views are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @]


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