Implementation is the key.....
In the interests of one and all ...
My dear countrymen!
Since independence different party has been coming in power and going and they announce various welfare schemes during their reign particularly at the time of presenting the budget and before the commencement of general Elections.
But it is often seen the zeal and enthusiasm with which the programs are launched lost midway may be due to poor implementations and corruption. It is, therefore, necessary that while launching any welfare measure, Govt. first puts a proper mechanism in place to ensure fool-proof implementation.
Before people could be fully aware of govt. welfare schemes and be able to get benefits from them, new budget comes and most of the people forget about those schemes and looks for something else in the new budget. This practice is going on for the last 70 yrs or so without any challenge.
Before people could be fully aware of govt. welfare schemes and be able to get benefits from them, new budget comes and most of the people forget about those schemes and looks for something else in the new budget. This practice is going on for the last 70 yrs or so without any challenge.
It is very surprising that we elect our own representatives and send them to parliament/assembly for good governance and also to ease and upgrade the people 's lives by raising the people's issues and their swift implementation in larger public good.
But once elected it is not easy to meet our own representative and get the job done. Because suddenly they transform themselves from public sevaks to public Masters.
While making big promises during the election they start taking a roundabout and used to seek lame excuses and escape through existing rules and regulations when people contact them to fulfill their promises. Is this the becoming act on their part? Should people who empower them deserve such treatment?
Maybe after becoming MP or MLA their responsibilities are increased manifold but they must understand and always keep in mind that by solving people's genuine problems faster they not only doing their duty and helping their electorates but also improve their future prospects. Perhaps this positive aspect they ignore or forget innocently.
How one to meet such challenging situations? To my mind, it is very simple, people should always get united and Pursue every public issue from beginning ( when promises are made ) to the execution stage adopting all fair means at their command.
The second way is when party's candidates appeal for votes and victory one should ask for their party 's manifesto first and obtain their commitments about implementations of them after Winning. After being elected if they are not serious about taking up issues and their commitments made in their manifesto, people must keep on pressurizing them unitedly until execution and fulfillment of all relief measures in overall public interest.
When Present dispensation takes charge at the center there was much hue and cry for cleanliness drives everywhere with unsatisfactory results for all to see. People responsible for executing the job are more interested in photography than sincerely making it a people's movement. The program came as storm and almost disappearing as a thunderstorm.
Same way there was war level drive for toilet everywhere in schools, all public places and every home in villages ....etc. Everyone knows that toilet scheme can only be successful if light and water are permanently assured with a ready man to keep them clean for regular use. When they are clean and in usable condition, people opt to use them and by degree, it will be their habit and a necessity in their daily life. Everyone knows what is the state of affairs of light and water in villages still today. So one can imagine the success of such project. Therefore it is necessary that govt. ensure water and electricity in villages first to take off such scheme in villages.
Moreover, rural people must be educated persuaded and trained to necessarily use toilet daily with multiple advantages attached to it. It's a great job and requires much labour time and expenses for an awareness campaign on a long-term basis until they are used to it.
Because they feel uncomfortable and suffocated in a tiny box like the dirty toilet being made in villages just for name's sake. They are mostly found to be closed.
On the other hand, they are very comfortable in defecation in open areas since the beginning. They have misconceptions too that toilet should not be within the home. Very surprising village women also do not like it in their homes probably due to getting some open space outside four walls of the home for gossiping and getting recharged by passing some free time with their friends. This sense of immense relief and freedom to chat freely not at all possible if the toilet is inside the home.

On the other hand, they are very comfortable in defecation in open areas since the beginning. They have misconceptions too that toilet should not be within the home. Very surprising village women also do not like it in their homes probably due to getting some open space outside four walls of the home for gossiping and getting recharged by passing some free time with their friends. This sense of immense relief and freedom to chat freely not at all possible if the toilet is inside the home.
Hence, their myth and habit have to be broken first by launching mass awareness program on a war footing for such schemes to success.
So is the case of Clean Ganga Mission - thousands of Crores have already wasted in cleaning Ganga for decades right from Rajiv Gandhi reign but it's a distant dream still today. No wonder it is even dirtier now. Unless industrial units flow of wastes, all drainage polluted water, and sewages of cities are not strictly stopped from flowing in, the question does not arise even to think of its cleanliness.
Like that there are many such schemes being launched every now and then with unknown fate.
Also, schemes like above to be succeeded need consistent approach and efforts and to be persuaded at every level on a daily basis until it has become a routine in one's life. If need be all such schemes should be supervised since the beginning by setting up a task force who is responsible for executing them successfully as planned.
Unfortunately this is not so in practice but as usual talk claims are always made on paper only.
Let us hope all the Govts. and the agencies will look into the above and take corrective actions wherever necessary.
Writer (Sinha.P.K a member, AAP) is an amateur and views are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @
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