Maldives Crisis: Marketing Warfare is inevitable in Asian Countries between India and China

India will have to quickly learn and adopt high diplomacy, a natural practice while dealing with a country like China

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

Swearing in ceremony of newly elected President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih government of Maldives on 17th November 2018 was attended by Indian PM Mr Modi with much enthusiasm and great hope. He availed the first available opportunity of visiting Maldives after becoming PM of India in 2014. Obviously, it was the best time as Indian friendly democratic government has taken charge after five years draconian rule of Chinese supported Abdullah Yameen Govt.

Solih was the unanimous leader of a coalition of many diversified factions (Even Nasheed and Gayoom both Ex-Presidents who were dead against each other became friends) who after fed up with atrocities, undemocratic, autocratically breaking constitutional norms and rampant corruption of Yameen administration came up together to oust him from office.
Outgoing President Yameen though elected, alleged to usurp power five years ago in 2013 by wrongly implicating the democratic government of President Mohammed Nasheed on terrorism charges who (Nasheed) became president of Maldives in November’2008 after defeating President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom who ruled the Maldives as a dictator for long 30 years.
Nasheed who ran a popular democratic government during November 2008 to February 2012 having good diplomatic relationships with India had, unfortunately, one incident to his discredit perhaps was an arrest of the Criminal Court Judge, Abdullah Ghazee during his Presidency in 2012.

Secondly, Nasheed having pro-western inclination was open to reform and eager to adopt western foreign policies for leaps and bounds progress of the country and independent, safe and happy life to his citizens. But Conservative Muslim majority took his liberal approach as threats to “ Traditional Islamic Values.”
Nasheed Govt had a very cordial and lasting relationship with India by virtue of its democratic government and also has a long history of past associations and friendship with India.

Very few people are aware that Maldives was declared the Independent Nation in 1965 only due to the foresight and visionary approach of first Indian PM Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Otherwise, it would have been either merged with Sri Lanka or India if insisted for independence in 1947 along with India. Immediately after Independence in 1965, India was also the first country to recognise it and established diplomatic relationships with it. So India and Maldives have been deeply attached with each other since centuries much longer before independence.

However, there were many strains in relationships between them after Yameen government fraudulently captured power with the tacit support of China.
China considers India a great challenger and bent upon to wipe out its influence in entire Asian Countries. Its pet formula is applied everywhere as in Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka, Pakistan........etc. India not participating in its over-ambitious project One Belt One Road (OBOR) is also one among many reasons of irritation towards India while most of the countries are in.

In its five-year rule, Yameen administration has unilaterally signed various deals with China bypassing his parliamentarians and countrymen in connection with undertaking large infrastructure projects taking Loan at the cost of annoying, breaking long set terms with India and also putting his own country at great risk and danger.

Actually, in its quest to develop his country faster it (Maldives) wished and started to avail services and technologies from other countries which India dislikes.

Secondly, it upsets India by signing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China in the December’ 2017 violating island’s nation “INDIA FIRST“ policy. What made India furious when FTA passed through parliament in Emergency Sitting within an hour without debate with only 30 members out of 80 Senators present.

People of Maldives have been shocked to experience the havoc Chinese working style which they hardly experienced in their life. The scale and speed with which Chinese are accomplishing the projects really made Maldivian sceptical of debt- trap anticipating multiple consequences on breach of repaying the loan as per agreed terms and conditions while signing the contracts.

While Yameen was convincing his countrymen that it opted China over India for fast development and progress of the country through the loan, technology and manpower and management from China.

Comparing to soft, friendly and passive approach of India for centuries they (Maldivian) find China to be very aggressive, fearful, and sceptical. They treat India as a facilitator and time-tested friend and China an aggressor and grabber. They have good reasons to believe so.

They remember, How the then Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi in 1988 under “OPERATION CACTUS” tactfully rescued Gayoom Govt from a takeover bid by a terrorist coup by timely deploying commandos at one call from President Gayoom.

Despite such nice historical background with India, it was really a matter of serious concern and surprise for India and the world when Yameen government kept on taking all decisions unilaterally directly hitting Indian interests everywhere. Not only that, President Yameen, displeased England also by withdrawing from Commonwealth group of nations and befriended countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia leaving no opportunity of annoying India.

There is no mystery in comprehending that such power and boldness it derived from nowhere but all round support and backing from China.
It is to India’s maturity, patience and tactful handling of the situations, the good days returned and people’s friendly democratic government of Solih assumed office. However, many people believe that FTA and the entire chain of events against Indian interests were due to no timely response from India, while the same Nasheed who was instigating Indian government repeatedly to intervene is now praising India for its sure success approach to the hostile situations. Even Subramaniyan Swamy’s of BJP call of Military actions was ignored by Modi government.

In fact, Modi government as a matter of crude diplomacy avoided direct confrontations with China. It has come out to be the best decision. Who knows what possibilities emerge in future, whether to work together with China under demanding or compelling situations.
It is worth noting by world fraternity that in spite of repeated calls by Exiled Ex-President Nasheed for severe multilateral interventions, India maintained calm and wait and watch policy but have carried on hectic communications with Yameen Administration to do what is urgently needed to restore normalcy at the earliest but all in vain probably because of strict pressure from China.

England, European Union and Trump Administration too through out-communicated and maintained pressure time and again to release political prisoners, all unlawful detainees, unfavourable bureaucrats, political opponents all institutional heads including safe return of exiled President Nasheed and to revert to democracy soon but to no avail.

For China, Maldives is a very important country for its Maritime Silk Road Project and to empower itself in the Indian Ocean to fulfil its long-term goal of targeting India. Already, it has acquired Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka and set up a Naval Base at Djibouti in the Horn Of Africa. Gwadar Port in Pakistan already in its captivity.

The way forward for India

India has to realise that primitive period has long gone by. Even the remotest parts of the world have been instantly connected with what is the latest. Internet and multimedia have made the world very close to the people and everyone now interested to avail the world-class services at its disposal to its advantages and reach any destination to its choice. And all these things possible within minutes sitting at home without physical movement and spending hard cash. So is the case too with all Indian neighbours, be they big, small or tiny nations hardly matters. Wishes are the same for everyone.

Therefore, it is necessary for India to shed its old practices of dealing with its neighbours nor expect them to behave as before because they are now quite conscious of their sovereignty, freedom and sensations to lead their life on their own ways.

Secondly, China has now notoriously involved itself not only with smaller Asian countries but also engaged itself actively even the tiniest nation like the Maldives, this was not the case before. Under already changed scenario people now have enough choice and fascination to try other options for change and also for a better life.

Thirdly, though China being already a Super Power is fiercely competing with number one Super Power America in every field and accordingly planning to be number one trailing America behind. And made number two Super Power Russia its friend in long-term mutual interests.
Therefore, in its ambition to reach the number one world Super Power it is involving every country to its fold under various lucrative ambitious long-term infrastructure, business and defence deals. Most of the countries are falling under its nefarious game plans, for example, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and now the Maldives......etc. When the victimised countries come to know about its ugly design they find themselves already in its trap to be all-time losers and sufferers.

Fourthly, it is the grabbing of rich natural resources of other countries and multifarious business interests over which rivalry and future wars are based among Super Powers. So the whole game plans are luring the maximum number of Countries with progressive development plans by offering latest technologies with a loan, manpower and everything with a motive to soon take them under its grip to exploit them to its advantage.

Fifthly, India has to make up its mind to deal with China in almost every nation. Where there are abundant natural resources and vast business opportunities, they are there and we shall have to compete them. Also, they are a force to reckon with, they can neither be removed nor bypassed, therefore, it is better to find out best ways and means how to work together amicably in mutual as well as in the interests of host countries.

In case, India finds itself mentally prepared, the proposal of “TWO- PLUS- ONE” (2+1) formula might also be considered for the larger good of the region. This formula was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping during WUHAN SUMMIT when Indian PM Modi had a meeting with him in April’2018 at WUHAN to promote mutual confidence between them.

Under it, both, China and India will co-operate with each other while engaging any third country for any venture in South Asia. This will help better relationships and trust between them and it may be tried in Afghanistan and Nepal too along with the Maldives.

Such understanding between India-China will help all South Asian countries clear the dilemma whom to side. The Job, indeed, is most challenging for India who had a bitter past with it, but, if successful, must be a healthy start and bring much praise, laurel and prosperity for all.

So, finally, we come to understand that it’s all nothing but a deadly game of MARKETING WARFARE among the powerful nations and in this game only the smartest one will emerge victorious. Therefore, to compete, survive and to be in the race of rivalries with them, India will have to constantly innovate latest techniques to keep on enhancing might, economic power and technological capabilities and soft, friendly and loving approaches to win people’s heart that alone will pave the way to keep us above the rest.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @


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