Corruption; Can it ever be finished/ eradicated?

In the interests of one and all ... My dear countrymen! How strange is it whenever we are assembled/collected anywhere on any occasion, one of the most interesting topics of discussion has commonly been corruption also. And we generally treat this phenomenon something out from us most surprising and ignorantly. But the actual fact is, it basically first exists in our mind. But very sadly, we treat all others as corrupt but ourselves. Sometimes, I wonder in such ignorant environments, can corruption ever be eradicated from our lives? One day a man went to see Guru Chanakya in the evening. He was doing some official work in candle light. Before beginning to talk to him Guru unlit the candle and ; lit the another candle. Curiously enough the man asked him why he did so? He replied first candle was meant for the official job. Since you are here for personal work, how can I use an official candle for personal work? ...