Why most of the student's first choice is America only for higher academic pursuits?

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

America being a free market economy, is basically a country of a business man. They know how to do business in a big way. It is believed if four prisoners are kept in a room, they will definitely launch some business after coming out of jail. These days communist countries are numbered, all-embracing capitalism one by one for all round leaps and bounds progress.

Also, it's a country of specialists and professionals. Specialised teachings are available every nook and corner in America. It is mainly due to the presidential form of govt there. No one there is more keen on Govt.'s job, as with new government coming, all staff automatically sacked/changed. The new president has his own staff. Unlike Indian, there is no job security for govt.'s personnel in America. This is the reason people acquire professional knowledge for their survival and to make a decent living. Since the question of bread and butter is involved, the focus is to gain practical knowledge more which can always sell.

Generally, we know about two types of education systems. British and American system. British train people according to their future needs since childhood. This is a long process and we in India have British education system . While in the American system, more attention is drawn towards imparting practical knowledge first. Secondly, they don't believe in following long boring processes. They believe in immediate results. For example:
a) If they need a good horse. They will not follow the tedious process of breeding them but pick one who comes first in the race.
b) If they need a Radio/ Television mechanic, they advertise the vacancy thus: Radio/ TV mechanic needed without mentioning age, qualifications and experiences treating them as secondary and select one who has passed their practical test successfully.
c) If they have to train a pilot. First, they will take the aspirant to the plane and provide all practical knowledge of the plane first including flying thereafter impart theoretical part.

This precisely is the reason specialists of all fields are always available in plenty. Top Professional having specialised knowledge belonging to any country is always welcome in America and they are hired on a lucrative job with handsome salary and perks to lead a satisfactory life.

This is why people here in America least bothered about government job and instead try to be masters of their chosen field of interest to earn and live a worry free comfortable life. So anyone interested in being on the top of any branch will be inclined towards America only if asked his first choice.

Just see the following different examples for bird's eye view of America as a whole:

  1. An American called one Indian friend for some job to be done. Indian reached the place and had done his job. During the lunch time they sat together for lunch and American fellow opened his lunch box and cut about more than two feet long something like dosas in two parts. Ate first part and then second part without even the courtesy of asking the Indian friend once. How innocently like Indian culture he was thinking that one part of dosas he would offer to him. This is the business-like approach Americans follow in their life.
  2. There was a quarrel in husband and wife. Wife got furious and cut his penis and threw it into the ocean. Husband hurriedly reached the police station with nonstop bleeding. On his complaint, Entire police machinery was immediately swung into search operation for cutting part of penis thrown into the sea. Can anyone believe it? Missing part was finally found out by massive operations and that was successfully been implanted on him too. This is the quality of professionalism and service rendered to its citizens unthinkable of anywhere in the world.
  3. A big reputed departmental store has an old lady being a permanent customer. One day she had some disputes with one of his staff. She was angry and stopped visiting there. When management came to know about the incident, entire management team called on her, requested her apologising that how can she become their permanent customer again? This is how American do business. Just compare it with the business conducted here in India.
  4. A gentleman was to attend a seminar in another country with a new suit. Suit length was given to the tailor. Before going to pick the suit on inquiry he came to know that suit was still under process and likely to be ready soon. He flew without the suit. When it was ready, he was contacted, having no reply, they rang up his home number. From his wife, they came to know that he had already left the city for Canada. From her, they collected his detailed program and ensured delivery of his suit to his room of hotel he was putting in before he was to attend the seminar. This is the value of service Americans believe in. Can we expect such type of service in India?
  5. In America, if anyone helps Govt. controls/ abolish the crimes by becoming approver ( witness in court) Govt.not only changed his entire profile but all associated with him too. These include face change to change of entire educational and service backgrounds to settling them to a different city with altogether a new satisfying life with total security. Needless to tell what treatments are meted out to Govts approvers here in India.

Hope our readers must have understood why America is the preferred destination to all and also why people are mad to be a green card holder.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email -pkmsinha@gmail.com or follow @ pkmsinha.blogspot.in


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