Job in a private company ; It is underpaid, insecure, thankless, and certainly comes with a gloomy future.

In the interests of one and all ... My dear countrymen! Perception is very deceptive. Outwardly, anything might look very attractive and glamorous but actually, it is neither true nor paying on a long-term basis. Since most of the government jobs being routine and dull, it seemed unattractive comparing to private jobs which generally appear to be more charming from outside but totally hollow from inside. Here, we must remember the popular saying, " all that glitters is not gold." Therefore, it is necessary that one should have the complete picture, what actually is? when one starts one's career either in private or in a government organisation. It is much better if one makes up his mind about the line of studies and career based on one's temperament and interests at the early stage of schooling but most unfortunately, it doesn't happen in actual practice. Because it is a very difficult issue ...