India needs the Leadership of a performer like Arvind Kejriwal of Aam Aadmi Party, (AAP)

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

There can be no two opinions to the fact that actual power really exists in Aam Aadmi in Indian democracy. Who would have imagined that as humble a person like Arvind Kejriwal will be a force to reckon with in Indian politics. One who has seen the great Anna movement against widespread corruption in Indian Politics, since its start in Delhi, is quite aware that Arvind Kejriwal is the product of Anna movement.

As people of the country was fed up with the corrupt Congress government for decades, Arvind Kejriwal along with some of his friends and associates launched the mass movement for Changing the age-old outdated systems with a demand for JAN LOKPAL for the eradication of corruption in public life under the able guidance and leadership of Anna Hazare, a renowned social activist.

At that time he (Arvind Kejriwal) was repeatedly pleading all the parliamentarians to accept his only demand of JAN LOKPAL so that through it the process of cleaning the mass corruptions in entire systems be started soon in order that a common man feels some sigh of reliefs. But who knew, it was not that easy as imagined and he was virtually challenged by almost all the policymakers that for LOKPAL he shall have to enter parliament as an MP after winning elections.

In the given situations, He and his core team members were to accept the challenge and they decided to fight to the last, agreed to contest elections to execute their novel missions.
Rest is history. Not only Party was launched, called Aam Aadmi Party, (AAP) but also formed the Government in Delhi twice and Crusader Arvind Kejriwal became CM of Delhi two time at a stretch.

Though AAP had been the largest in number falling short of some seats in absolute majority. Therefore, It had to, under great compulsion, reluctantly form the government with the help of Congress. Assuming office AAP in 2015 started working for Delhiites fast as per its commitments made in the manifesto and also verbally to people of Delhi during elections.

On strictly started working on action plans, since interests of both Congress and BJP were hitting badly, they hand in gloves with each other and made it a routine to create trouble in one form or other. Since he was facing resistance at every step right from day one, CM, Arvind Kejriwal of (AAP), after due deliberations, resigned. Thus his 49-day rule in Delhi came to an end.

Though he resigned on his own, majority of Delhiites were happy and didn’t want him to resign in haste and due to his sudden act, he had to bear the humiliation of some particularly opponents called him a quitter, (BHAGODA) and it is also believed to be said truly by one and all in unison including policemen in Delhi that his 49-day rule was no less than RAM RAJYA in any manner whatsoever.

Thereafter, AAP went to the people again and requested them for absolute mandate enabling him to serve them better in a faster manner. His 49 days wonder was already with them and on that basis, people believed him fully and he returned with absolute majority securing 67 seats out of total 70 seats with BJP reduced to 03 seats only and Congress totally wiped out to zero. This was when Congress of Sheila Dixit was in power continuously for 15 years, three full terms, just before Arvind Kejriwal sworn in. This is the leadership, acumen and vision of Arvind Kejriwal.

2nd Term
Having an absolute majority, it was one man guess that now there should be no problem of any kind to AAP in executing its plans. And it was the time for AAP to start fulfilling the promises one by one, they made before the election. And to everyone’s surprise, as soon as they started working on their plans, counter roadblocks measures were started taking place simultaneously deliberately as alleged by AAP and Delhiites both. There was hardly any day passed by without some hindrances by the power at the centre through LG.

Perhaps, they were afraid, if AAP gets succeeded in changing the existing working culture upside down, they will not only be questioned but demand for the same facilities will arise from all parts of India. Eventually, interests of all political fraternities will definitely suffer directly or indirectly. Not only that they got fearful to be sent behind the bar also. This is the main reason AAP has no moral support from any political party either in their novel per suits.

Most of the countrymen should be aware that unlike other states in India, Delhi being Union Territory also has very limited power. Delhi government has no power over general law and order, land and police. And in the remaining powers too they have to take the approval of LG in almost all the cases related to public good. Even after a clear ruling from Supreme Court in Delhi Government favour, it is not smooth sailing yet for AAP government, the problem still remains, which means most of their tenure is getting wasted in disputes with LG unnecessarily over every petty matter.

Despite all these bottlenecks, with limited tenure and powers, in order to fulfil his heartfelt desire to make Delhi a MODERN, VIBRANT, SMART and POLLUTION FREE city has started doing such wonders for the common man especially in the field of HEALTH, EDUCATION and reducing CORRUPTION from public life. These have drawn the attention of foreign communities. For a pollution-free environment to Delhiites, his strict measures of ODD-EVEN scheme attracted the foreign nations and he was chosen one among 50 great leaders of the world by FORTUNE magazine. At number 42 he is the SOLE member from India. This is no small feat for a new player in politics. It is to be worth noticing that our PM, Mr Modi is not on the list.

With the allocation of 12% of its Budget to Health Sector, AAP government has been determined to improve the health sector significantly.
AAP THREE-TIER HEALTH MODEL appears to be a perfect model. Its Mohalla Clinics immense success and popularity so soon brought the attention of the world. American ex-president Obama who not only praised Mohalla Clinics but also wished to have them replicated all over America. Mr Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of UN had also appreciated such Clinics. Recently, Mr.Ban Ki-Moon, former UN Chief along with former Norwegian PM, GRO Harlem Brundtland visited Delhi in September’2018 to see and inspect the Mohalla Clinic themselves at Peeragarhi and a polyclinic at the Pachhim Vihar locality. And extended Arvind Kejriwal much praise and honour for rendering great job of providing free medical facilities right from Consultancy to Diagnostic Tests to Medicines to rich and poor alike. Out of about 190 Mohalla Clinics now more than 160 are Operational. Moreover, 786 such Clinics space have been identified and expected to reach its target of 1000 by end of 2019.

In the field of education with the whopping allocation of 24% of its Budget, AAP had taken the bold steps to turn around the education sector from the foundational stage to higher learning stage. in his endeavour to make schools of Delhi better than unaffordable private schools for common man, he has taken a number of revolutionary steps. Modern schools with air-conditioned classrooms, swimming pool and world class sports facilities have been a reality under AAP government. Teachers are being trained in IIMs and sent abroad to learn the latest techniques to soon adopt these in all Delhi schools to make students interested in studies to excel.
Parents- Teachers Meeting (PTM) has been started where Teachers are getting inputs from parents to help the students perform better and faster. With a result, In 2017, board results of government schools was better than private schools.

The concept of ESTATE MANAGER is another initiative taken by the Delhi government to look after the school's infrastructures enabling teachers to focus on academics only. SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES, (SMCs) with the sanctioned budget has been started to see further improvements in infrastructures. Ten thousand (10000) members were elected to render their job.

Two new WORLD CLASS SKILL CENTRES sanctioned. One is Operational in VIVEK VIHAR and other will start in JAUNPUR VILLAGE. A new campus of DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY started functioning in 2017. 
PRIVATE SCHOOLS have been forced to return excess fees and regulated the fees hike in all private schools too.
Not being able to open schools expeditiously, adopted the policy of enhancing existing infrastructure by building 15000 classrooms that itself are equal to 350 schools. 8000 plus classrooms already constructed and remaining expected to be completed by the end of 2019. Like the above, many other initiatives have also taken place for the benefit of students from school education to technical education up to higher education levels.

Most remarkably, Arvind Kejriwal government of AAP has been able to reduce 81% CORRUPTION in 03 years of its rule as per the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) report in parliament.

Besides, above mentioned measures, various other welfare programs in overall interests of Delhiites have taken up simultaneously on a war footing to ease and upgrade their lives and also targeted to fulfil most of its commitments before the end of its tenure.

Despite his best intentions to fulfil all its promises, some of the projects get delayed and under-implemented, believe it, it is due to some technical reasons only where AAP government facing obstacles in timely land allocation, undue delay in approval of files from other government departments like MCD and DDA......etc. and also some files are being held up for centre approval.
However, it will be perhaps for the first time in Indian Political History that any CM would seem to be so keen in reaching all its targets with its die-hard attitude and by adopting innovative approaches. In case, If Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP happens to carry on another 10 years, a day is not far when at least people of Delhi will find Delhi to be hundred per cent corruption free without any doubt.

Thus, we come to understand that success story of Arvind Kejriwal and its AAP will spread a new wave all across India. For the very first time through him, a participating form of democracy has been possible where people have the liberty to discuss, debate and choose their own candidates without fear or favour to send them to fight the election, no more imposition of outsiders from the centre or from the so-called high command. And therefore, Transparency, responsibilities with accountabilities will be seen to be enforced everywhere in general.

Henceforth, people of India feel empowered to question their representatives in parliament to take up their causes and deliver. Most importantly, Arvind Kejriwal through his success story has proved that a common man too CAN enter the parliament which had so far been the exclusive domain of POWERFUL, MIGHTY and RICH alone. This is why people like Arvind Kejriwal must be welcomed in Indian Politics by the people of India for their own as well as the larger good of the Nation.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @


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