The mysterious death of Saudi dissident journalist JAMAL KHASHOGGI might be death-kneel for Saudi 

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

Saudi dissident JAMAL KHASHOGGI was a US-based Journalist writing for the Washington Post and a green card holder. He had very good reputations with the members of royal kingdom and was the supporter of crown prince Salmon’s fast taking various social and economic reforms. He was known to the world when he interviewed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan long years before he established al-Qaida.

In the year 2017, over some differences with Mohammed bin Salman, he left Saudi Arabia and settled in America. He turned critical to Prince Salman when he found him punishing and sending all his opponents behind bars and liquidating many of his fellow royals.
In an off-The record interview to Newsweek Magazine Jamal Khashoggi stated:
“Mohammed bin Salman wants to enjoy the fruits of first world modernity, Silicon Valley, Cinema and Everything, but at the same time he also wants to rule like how his grandfather ruled Saudi Arabia.”
(published only after his confirmed death)

He happened to visit the Saudi Diplomatic Mission at ISTANBUL on 2nd October 2018 about 1.30 pm to collect some documents required for his upcoming marriage with Turkey fiancée and did not return from there, though a man similar to Jamal Khashoggi in looking, wearing his clothes was made to exit the consulate to fabricate the story but plot later exposed as the duplicate one had forgotten to wear Khashoggi’s shoes.

Although Saudi was at first outrightly skirting of their involvement in his disappearance to murder but after a fortnight coming up daily with varying lame excuses to prove themselves innocent which world leaders will hardly believe. Rather they have already started taking punitive measures at their own level against Saudi Arabia.

Ankara has vociferously claimed that he was killed mercilessly by a group consisting of 15 persons, reached at Saudi Consulate at Istanbul in three batches of five each from different locations of Saudi Arabia, some of them personally known to Prince Mohammed bin Salman. His dead body was dismembered by an assigned person using Bone-Saw and disposed of through local co-operator. Turkey has promised to present the world every detail of this gory incident through its parliament.

Now that it’s almost crystal clear that there is something fishy on Saudi Arabia conflicting Statements every passing day. And they are admitting everything one by one with some reluctance create much confusion and suspicion. Though US president is talking tough, however,  his varying statements indicate otherwise. No world leader is ready to accept on the face value what Saudi says in the matter and CIA intelligence reports too are allegedly indicating towards Prince Salman direct or indirect involvement. All the world leaders are demanding thorough investigations into the matter and severe actions against the Saudi Kingdom.

Turkey is believed to have said bluntly that dissident Journalist JAMAL KHASHOGGI had been brutally murdered on 2nd October 1018, the day he entered the office of Saudi Consulate at ISTANBUL. It was a cold-blooded pre-planned murder by persons of whom some were said to be close to the royal kingdom. Ankara is bent upon to reveal all the naked-truths of this ghastly murder soon as it has the audio and video recordings of this horrific acts.

Iran has allegedly blamed America too and stated that felony of such dreadful nature is not possible without Saudi Arabia taking America into confidence.

Now, Saudi Arabia stated on Thursday, 25th October ‘2018, the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul was “PREMEDITATED” based on information supplied by Turkey, state media reported.
“ Information from the Turkish authorities indicates that the act of suspects in Khashoggi case was premeditated,” the public prosecutor said in a statement carried by the state-run Saudi Press Agency.
“The public prosecution continues its investigation with suspects to complete the course of Justice.”

The world is watching and waiting anxiously actions from unpredictable Trump because America will never like to lose milking cow. As Saudi Arabia is the largest buyer (above 60%) of American Military related hardware - Planes, Tanks, Arms and ammunition.......etc and has investments of billions of dollars in America. Also, Job is very complex for Trump as the US has a long history of deep bonding between them right from 1945. Moreover, Crown Prince is his baby and he nicknamed him as MBS. Trump has groomed him in such a manner to use his country as a pivot to serve its (America) strategic needs in the Middle East.
It will be quite interesting to see how far the US is ready to sacrifice its multiple business cum strategic interests and loose its groomed baby on such humanitarian issue as against the mounting global pressure for actions on its most precious ally.

History of US-Saudi needs-based long relationships

America has always been keen on Gulf oil and has its powerful say in its control and affairs. In the year 1930 huge volumes of oil were discovered in Saudi Arabia and the US in the year 1945 clinched a deal with Saudi to have privileged access to its oil reserves against providing security cover to them. Their mutual needs developed into a deep friendship and hence Saudi Arabia has become US major ally in this region. Though they were good friends, however, at times there were many ups and downs in diplomatic relationships due to disturbances and changing situations around the region.


On disputes over mainly excess production of oil by Kuwait, Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Saudi Arabia facilitated America to make its Military Base with huge troops in its country. From there American-led coalition forces fought the war against Saddam Hussein in 1991.


Fundamentalist did not like large Americans troops and planes on their soil and executed two attacks on them in the year 1990. Relationships between them took the ugliest turn when there was an Attack on America on September 11, 2001, in which 15 out of 19 plane hijackers were found to be Saudi National. Saudi Arabia was also accused of encouraging Islamic extremism worldwide by secretly funding to it.


Not getting along with the US, Saudi Arabia declined to participate in the war against Afghanistan in 2001 and also refused to take part in the war against Iraq in 2003. Thereafter, America had to shift its base from Saudi Arabia to QATAR as its headquarter for aerial operations covering the entire Middle East and shifted most of its troops there from Saudi Arabia but military supports with Riyadh were intact as before.


Saudi were supporting Syrian revolts against the President Bashar Al-Assad and openly expressed its annoyance with the US on its refusal to help rebels by air strikes against the regime.


In the year 2015, Obama administration along with other world powers signed an agreement with rival regional power IRAN. This agreement made Saudi lost confidence in President Obama. But they honoured Trump with red-carpet welcome on his first overseas trip to Saudi Arabia in May’2017 since becoming the US president and opened a new chapter in relationships. Trump has backed out of the Obama nuclear agreement and called for IRAN’s isolation to curb Shia’s influences in the Gulf region.

In the modern time today, we have reached the stage when colonising at Moon and Mars is soon going to become a reality, on the other side, we are witnessing the existence of Stone Age barbarism in some nations.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @


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