For common man neither suits CONGRESS nor BJP, Party like AAM AADMI PARTY (AAP) is a better bet

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

Since 71 years of our (India) independence, Congress ruled roughly over 47 years and remaining 24 yrs BJP and others combined. Broadly, we find no basic difference between them as far as governance or easing of common man’s life is concerned. Rather, they are more or less almost the same as far as people’s routine life is concerned. Because both (Congress and BJP) are still, most, unfortunately, ruling over their citizens through defunct systems inherited by the British Imperial government. And very surprisingly, government changes but no government has ever felt the need to change those outdated English systems, even today.

Some periods of JANTA PARTY (1977) and Atal Bihari Bajpai BJP’s rules (1999 to 2004) may be taken in exceptions when people were quite optimistic and looked forward to better India. Had Atal Bihari Bajpai reigned another 10 yrs with the absolute majority like Mr Modi now has, it would, perhaps, have been a different story.

Fed up with mass Corruption everywhere, specially in 2G, Commonwealth Games and Adarsh Housing in Congress-led UPA-2 government, Arvind Kejriwal with some of his friends and other social activists launched a movement under the banner of India Against Corruption (IAC) later turned to INDIAN ANTI CORRUPTION MOVEMENT, popularly known as ANNA MOVEMENT in Delhi under able and renowned social leader, Anna Hazare for the change of age-old ineffective British- Raj systems and called for OMBUDSMAN, LOKPAL and LOKAYUKTA in Centre and States respectively by enacting LOKPAL Bill in Parliament.

This movement later paved the way for Arvind Kejriwal to become a Force to reckon with for good in Indian Politics. He, not only forced to found his political outfit named, AAP but also become known to the world when he took Charge of Delhi as CM twice in quick succession in the year 2013 and 2015 respectively.

Since Anna Movement has people from all walks of life including members from BJP and RSS, BJP has the advantage of sweeping the verdicts in its favour in General Election held in 2014, being the only Alternative to the ruling Congress Nationally. And hence Modi Ji became the PM of India with thumping majority in Parliament.
As 3-term (15 years) CM of Delhi, Sheila Dixit (Congress) was dethroned by Arvind Kejriwal of AAP, Narendra Modi of BJP captured power at the centre by defeating PM, MANMOHAN SINGH of Congress, who had completed full two terms continuously.

As people of India had been dissatisfied with Congress for decades so as with BJP just a few months after its assuming power in 2014. Actually, Indian people had great expectations from charismatic Modi Ji but it appears that they are unhappy today as he, perhaps, fails to come up to their expectations. Quite aware of this hard reality, BJP is making no stone unturned to make up the loses especially from unrepresented areas. Not to speak of what a long list of commitments are there in its (BJP) manifesto but a lot of tall promises were made by none other than Modi Ji himself during his marathon rallies all over India, that has become the most irritating factor for him as well the party.

I am afraid, the controversy related to Rafael Deal of Modiji is going to harm BJP, in the same manner, it damaged the image of Mr Clean, Rajiv Gandhi in BOFORS- GUN scandal and Ghost of BOFORS is haunting the Congress still today.

Modiji’s initial steps were so promising that people were very much sure for better India. The way Chief Secretary to PMO staffs was appointed particularly from Gujarat cadres whom Modiji is well versed of in his 3- term tenure of Chief Ministership in Gujarat, it was assumed that best governance model of Gujarat will be replicated all over India. But with every passing day BJP is kept on falling in one trap to another and due to tragic situations not nipped in the bud, situations had been allowed to reach bad to worst and as Time Flies, golden years of more than four years have passed without any remarkable achievement on the ground, even if something worth was there to mention that is suppressed by a series of unfortunate Unbecoming incidents occurred intermittently.

It’s really unfortunate that all the matters relating to the welfare of the people are needlessly reached the courts, be it previous Congress government or present BJP government, for directions and in some of the cases even after Supreme Court’s interventions matters remain unsettled and required its further intervention which ought to be solved at Executive and Legislators level itself. It can be imagined how the precious time and energy get wasted routinely and the delay attached to these in schemes related to public welfare. If such is the state of affairs, the natural question comes to mind, what is the need of plethoras of government departments and the army of staffs and bureaucrats attached with them who are unable to solve the problems at their end.

The zeal, hope and enthusiasm with which people of the country voted to Modi Ji seemed to be evaporated gradually and dream of a welfare state and New India remain a dream for them. The way Party is facing various allegations on daily basis, one is doubtful whether Mr Modi will be able to save his clean image. Because there is NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE.

Here comes the dawn of a daredevil, Arvind Kejriwal of Aam Aam Party (AAP) just founded in the year 2012, in Delhi politics in the year 2013 as CM-Delhi for short-term and in 2015 for a full term with altogether a new approach to solving people’s problems head-on. Right from day one of taking charge of Delhi he took up the matters affecting people’s lives directly as per his manifesto and promises to Delhi Electorates before Election so that they not only notice the remarkable difference in governance which was unimaginable in reigns of BJP or Congress but also felt a great deal of economic, physical and mental reliefs.

He took up the fast action plans in order that he be able to fulfil most of his promises before the end of his tenure. He set up an anti-corruption cell to take up corruption cases and actions thereupon for fast results and delivery. This revolutionary working style of crusader Arvind Kejriwal neither suits Congress nor ruling BJP at the Center and this later led to the regular rift between Arvind Kejriwal and LG on every issue. Therefore, BJP at Center, through a legislation in 2015 crippled Arvind Kejriwal government and prevent him from taking any action against any staff in the matter of transfer, posting, suspension, dismissal and enquires Against Corruption cases. Also, compel AAP to take LG’s consent mandatory in each case of public welfare program.

Despite that in totally unsuitable and adverse circumstances, Arvind Kejriwal and his Party, AAP, by hook or by crook and also by adopting all Gandhian methods and tactics got its files cleared from LG office one by one and somehow delivered wonderfully in all areas of larger public interests.

Some of the Areas where AAP government has taken revolutionary steps are listed as under:
  1. Water
  2. Electricity
  3. Education
  4. Health
  5. Free Wi-Fi Projects
  6. Transport
  7. E-Governance
  8. Road and Infrastructure
  9. Minimum Wages
  10. Pension
  11. Compensation Schemes
  12. Self-attestation of Documents
  13. Swaraj Bill
  14. Janlokpal Bill.......etc

Recently introduced, in September 2018, for the very first time in the world- “DOOR DELIVERY OF 40 SERVICES ”, planning to cover more services to 100, will be a game changer for AAP government. Such never heard nor imagined rare step makes AAP a distinct party and immense reliefs through these innovative measures will bring real change in the life of a common man.

It’s unfortunate that most of its tenure roughly about 03 years were wasted on account of non-cooperation attitude of the centre through LG and in spite of Supreme Court judgement in the matter in favour of Delhi government, still, there is a tough ride for Delhi government of Arvind Kejriwal. Had there were no roadblocks to his dynamic actions programs, most of his promises were either fulfilled or in pipelines towards completions.

In any case, the achievements already made and more developments to take place by the end of his tenure will be more than enough for people to believe him fully to extend another term along with all 07 seats of MP in Delhi to its party AAP for non-stop leaps and bounds progress of Delhi.

In case, this happens Delhi will be a role model and on the basis of its success story, it will be much easier for AAP to make inroads in other states fast and Arvind Kejriwal may be asked to lead at National level in order that entire countrymen enjoy the benefits of Alternative Model of good governance together.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @


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