QATAR- A scar on the big face of Saudi and its Gulf allies

How Tiny QATAR plays a very prominent role in the Middle East for America and the West?

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

Qatar is a tiny nation in the Middle East. It’s a peninsula surrounded by the Persian Gulf. To its south side connected with only Saudi Arabia by land. An arm of the Persian Gulf separates Qatar from nearby Bahrain. It is one of the richest nations in the Middle East and has a vast reservoir of Oil and Gas and is the second largest exporter of Gas in the world after Russia.

Qatar is ruled by Al Thani families and its present ruler is Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. On 25th June’ 2013 he became Emir of Qatar after his father handed over the power to him in a televised speech.

Qatar’s total population is only about 2.6 million, out of which Qataris are only 313000, and rest 2.3 million are expatriates (outsiders) as per 2017 census. Due to rich natural resources of Oil and Gas and meagrely populations, it has the distinction of being highest per capita income in the world. As per UN, Qatar is the country of very high human development due to which widely regarded as one of the most advanced nations among the Arab world.

Until 2011, Very few people around the world heard or known of this tiny nation in the Gulf.

Recently, Qatar has come to limelight when under Saudi Arabia’s leadership three other Gulf states- UAE, Bahrain and Egypt announced cutting of their diplomatic ties with it in June’ 2017 and also launched a blockade to cut their entire air, road, and sea links for its alleged involvement of funding and encouraging terrorism in their countries through various prominent dissident groups such as The Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas...... etc. and looking towards US and western nations to help by intervening and pressurising Qatar to put all such intolerable practices to a permanent stop and further want from it ( Qatar) to snap its links with Shia-Iran and follow their lines on matters relating to foreign policies for overall peace and stability in entire Gulf region.

In fact, Qatar has since beginning never been interested in making closed ties with Saudi Arabia or Iran but because it shares its large gas fields with Iran, cannot avoid it.

Qatar after getting Independence in 1971 from British Empire marched on the progressive path and never looked back. The rulers (Thani families) of this state are appeared to be far ahead than others in the Middle East region in Vision, Etiquette, Business Acumen, Professionalisms, Maintaining Public Relations and establishing Diplomatic Relationships with the world. Due to their generosity and willingness to help all they have good friends and contacts around the world. They are quite adventurous by nature and always interested in doing something hilarious. These reflect by attaining some of the shining achievements for their country, worth mentioning here as under:

Al-JAZEERA Arabic And English NEWS CHANNEL - perceived to be one of the most reliable and authentic sources of information probably at par with BBC, CNN....etc.

QATAR AIRWAYS- The surprise laurel of Best Airlines in the world.

WINNING CONTEST TO HOST FIFA WORLD CUP - 2022 in its smallest nation is in itself the biggest surprise for many and of course a great challenge and opportunity to them.

Rich resources of Qatar’s gas meets most of the Energy needs of western and European nations. These countries with their large Investments there in latest technologies, Man and Machinery are deeply bonded with each other in mutual interests.

Qatar enjoys the vast influence, goodwill and clout of many western and European nations including America for its bumper investments in large Business Houses in their countries.

With least perturbed by Saudi-led blockade, Emir King was often seen busy attending the high profile glamorous parties and business conferences amidst presence of Media Glare in London, France, Germany and America....etc to develop further diplomatic relationships and clinching various business cum military deals with them keeping its country’s strategic requirements and interests in mind.
At the same time assuring the countrymen, right from the start, the crisis began, not to worry for the shortage of anything as supplies lines will be maintained with essential items of human consumptions through supplies from nations who are lined up to fill the vacuum. Already Turkey and Iran are maintaining supplies by air of all necessities- Foodstuffs, groceries and Medicines etc. and large supplies will soon to take place by sea routes.

Since larger chunks of its requirements like cereals, dairy products, medicines and other necessary items of daily needs were mostly used to be supplied by Saudi Arabia and UAE, this blockade brought fortune to Qatar as they learnt a hard lesson and made up their mind to fulfil all their future needs by finding out the best solutions available anywhere in the world.

They reviewed their approach to Dairy and Farming with a long-term plan of self-sufficiency in these important areas. They started making best efforts with the technology they already have and also by adopting various innovative methods and tried to do all by themselves. Within a few days not only they be now in a position to cater to their milk requirements fully by importing best breeds of cows from the west but also learnt the techniques of farming brazen land faster and very soon they will be able to grow most of its cereals, vegetables and fruits requirements by themselves. So we can say this Blockade has been Blessings in Disguise for Qataris.

Actually, most of its consumable needs are very cheaply met by supplies from UAE and Saudi Arabia, they never thought of producing these in their own country as they were economically not viable too. But cultivation of cereals, fruits, vegetables and production of milk .....etc is limited to roughly about 14% just to meet the requirements of elite and ruling class family members only.

Such actions indicate their independent traits of mind, determination to innovate and will to excel and go ahead as usual in howsoever adverse circumstances they put into instead of succumbing to any pressure and stopping before any.

This is what annoys the Saudi Arabia and its associated nations. Nearly more than one and half year after joint actions against Qatar, Saudi Arabia is so tired and frustrated now for Doha not toeing their lines on foreign policies, very desperately announced in June’ 2018 to construct a waterway, “ SALWA CANAL” on their border with Qatar and hence change its status from PENINSULA to ISLAND state.

But these measures against Qatar seemed to be miserably failed, on the other hand, Qatar appeared to be totally undisturbed, rather emerged as victorious as ever only due to countermeasures by it and also by dint of having rich connections worldwide.

Qatar is least bothered and beyond any fear of its neighbouring countries since the beginning. Instead of solely dependent on them, it went ahead to tying up with far-flung developed nations of the west. Its boldness comes to the fore when in the year 2003 it allowed the US to shift its Military Central Command Headquarters from Saudi Arabia to Qatar stationing 10000 troops to surveillance the entire Middle East region following Saudi Arabia not co-operating with America in Afghanistan and Iraq wars in 2001 and 2003 respectively.

It has developed good relationships with Saudi’s Arc rivals Ankara and Teheran and tied with them mutually to fulfil their military cum business needs. And Only due to the support of these two nations' quick supplies of essential goods by air, Doha did not felt the heat and disturbances of any kind and very ably neutralised Saudi-led coalitions embargo on it.

America and the western nations, at times, seem to be worried and sceptical over its Emir King impulsive behaviour. As per many authentic reports available with America and England, Doha is allegedly involved with different rebel groups in various countries around its region and have clashes with Saudi Arabia factions over conflicting interests.

Though Qatar also follows the same religion and Faith ( Islam and Sunni ) as Saudi Arabia but also moderates enough in accepting Muslim Brotherhood’s doctrines for their liberal and modern approach of accommodating one and all which go against the wishes and interests of Saudi Arabia.

It has the ambition of playing big at the international stage as a force to reckon with. In its endeavour to help its friend Iran, While aligning with the US on the one hand, it openly maintains ties with western adversaries including Iran, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood and extremist elements in Syria on the other hand. In its endeavour to help its friend Iran, it went to the extent of convincing England that if Iran is put to hardship through anticipated sanctions by America and its allies, its (England) energy needs may suffer.

Now the ball in Trump’s Court to defuse the complicated situations. How he mediates in muddling situations and be able to convince stubborn Qatar for getting along with Saudi Arabia factions for reaching the amicable agreement between them necessary for taking actions against Iran as per American’s plan in the region. On not agreeing to America, there are some possibilities that America might impose some strictures on Qatar in form of some sanctions unmindful of its long strategically and militarily association with it.

It will be very interesting to see how Qatar reacts to these developments. Its now finds itself in a great dilemma as stranded between the devil and deep sea. Because on the one side of the divide there is America and Saudi Group of nations and the other side of divide Qatar and Iran.

Also, the world will be very anxiously awaiting to see how faster Doha overcomes its obstacles and reach the position sooner enabling itself to successfully host FIFA WORLD CUP to be held in 2022.

Viewing such confusing and conflicting situations, we may affirmatively conclude that though Qatar is a tiny nation in size and population it also has its cherished ambition to play big at world stage as a power.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @


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