Syrian Crisis

Bloodbath in Syria with virtually no gain, Syrian President emerged stronger than ever and Russia regained glory

In the interests of one and all ...

My dear countrymen!

Syria is a West Asian Country neighbouring Turkey, Jordon, Iraq, Lebanon and Israel. Present President Bashar al-Assad became President in the year 2000 after the death of his father Hafiz al-Assad who ruled Syria for quite a long period from 1970 to 2000.

After seeing the tragic Catastrophe in Syria since 2011, and that is still on, it is not hard to believe why even dream thought of liberty in the least form is a nightmare for citizens and how rulers of such autocratic states are so fearful about losing powers that they can’t afford to chance even slightest teenagers’s protest in any form, got them crushed in the most heinous manner the moment it had arisen anywhere in the country.

More than seven years after the non-stop deadly war with the involvement of powerful western nations and even superpowers: the US, Russia, UK and France...etc, whole nation almost ruined to ashes, lakhs of people killed, millions wounded and millions migrated to neighbouring countries and millions miserably camping at borders awaiting asylum despite adopting liberal accommodation policies by its neighbours.

But most surprising and funny part of the Holocaust is arrogant President, Bashar al-Assad still reigns with full might and valour and no world power could be succeeded in removing him from office nor there is any chance of it. This is despite Syrian Civil Aggression has widely been condemned by the Arab League, European Union, the US and many other countries and also after imposing various sanctions on it.

It is not difficult to understand that this could be possible only due to Russia and Iran favouring Syrian government by actively participating in the war. Also, any proposal in UN against the Assad government is unitedly vetoed by Russia and China both.

Who knew innocent boys of simple acts of mild protests will finally lead to devastation and destruction of the whole nation at such an unprecedented level.

This is the impact and power of ARAB SPRING and it is only a matter of time, no autocratic Arab Nation will spare itself from its cause and effect and will have to face the Uprising consequences sooner or later in some form or other in their countries which have already taken inroads in their people’s mind.

Bone Of Contention 

Actually, people of Syria were not happy for a long time with President Bashar al- Assad rule and very hard pressed due to many reasons, some of them being Unemployment, Economic woes, Corruption, Lack of freedom and unfriendly policies of the government and also the much sought after various reforms not being implemented. Their resentments and peaceful protests were so badly managed and crushed deadly by its government, which enraged the whole countrymen.

Successful Uprisings in 2011 which took place in neighbouring Arab countries, better known as Arab Spring which toppled the Tunisia and Egypt presidents give hope to pro-democratic activists of Syria.

Something like the same movement did take place in Syria also when 15 teenagers were arrested and tortured for writing political graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. Their protests took a fierce turn when one of 15 boys, aged 13 got brutally killed by police authorities. President Bashar-al- Assad government could not be able to handle mass anger and protests properly and got killed many demonstrators and jailed many of them.

This movement turned into a CIVIL WAR in 2011 when defectors from Military announced the formation of FREE SYRIAN ARMY (FSA), a rebellion group aiming to topple the government. It was the non- sectarian movement in the beginning but later turned into sectarian one as arm conflicts started coming up among different factions.

In Civil War of 2011, there were mainly four fighting forces - Kurdish Forces, ISIS, Other Oppositions (Jaish al Fateh, an alliance between Nusra Front and Ahrar- al-Sham) and the Assad Regime. But as ISIS loses control of most of its territory they started fighting among each other.

Actually, Syria is a Sunni dominated Muslim state but most of the Security Establishment’s members are ALAWI sect of which president Bashar-al-Assad is a member.

Bashar’s father got killed thousands of people in a military crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood in HAMA in the year 1982.

One of the reasons of Uprising was global warming and drought too in several parts of the country causing the mass exodus of roughly 1.5 millions of people from the countryside to cities resulting poverty and mass social unrest.


By involvement of many countries and groups with their own agenda and strategic interests, it was multi-nation multi-pronged war. The US took it as an opportunity and with its allies plot to unseat its bĂȘte noire by extending all help to anti-Assad forces to reach its goal but it didn’t work.

Syrian civil war got much more complicated every passing day. It had taken a decisive turn in Syria’s favour only after Russia jumping into the scene in 2015 by massive air attacks on various anti- Assad rebel forces. Russia already had its military presence there so it was easy to target Assad’s rebellions and hence Russia came out to be as Syria main most trusted and powerful ally. Along with Russia, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon based Hezbollah forces were also there to help Assad government and on the other side Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the US were helping anti-government Assad rebel forces.

After about eight years of war has gone on longer than World War-II, it appears that war has lost its purpose and direction. People of Syria now wonder and repenting why they, at all, went against the regime as it brought nothing but all out destructions everywhere and more misery to their lives.

If any country has gained out of this Syrian War, that indeed is Russia first and Iran second. Russia has strengthened its position very strongly among western Asian regions that it can be trusted much more than others. And today it’s stature is so high, no one can even think of any solution in the region without involving Russia at the negotiation table. As its image was dented a bit after withdrawing from Afghanistan. So it has to regain its lost glory which has almost been achieved in long drawn Syrian War.
Also, it has got the fertile land to put to test its newly developed vast military war gadgets, arms and ammunitions......etc.

And Iran by helping Syria militarily by its massive forces along with Hezbollah militants and spending billions of dollars in the war and by meeting all other needs of Syrian’s people daily lives made it its fast friend forever and strategically to serve mutual as well as its short and long-term interests in the region.

Rest of the nations were fighting somewhere jointly against the dictatorial Syrian regime and somewhere against among themselves due to serve their own interests in spite of having the sole mission to topple the Assad’s government only. Perhaps, this is why after fighting being carried on such long years, rebel forces supported by the US and its allies could not be able to achieve anything but seen only destruction and destabilisation everywhere and the further rise of fundamentalists and deadly forces like ISIS/ ISIL.....etc. in the region.

At present, people are tired off and exhausted all its hope and energy to look beyond somehow meeting its basic needs to survive and roofs and shelter to their heads.

Now it is enough, Urgent task for UN is to call for an emergency meeting, inviting all stakeholders including all Super Powers to reach consensus and amicable solutions to the horrific cause, earliest the better with must retaining Bashar al-Assad as President of Syria as before so that Syria and its people could be prevented from further devastations and starvations and programme of rehabilitation and nation-building processes may be initiated afresh involving every country.

Jai Hind.

Writer- Sinha.P.K. Views expressed are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @


  1. Wonderful... no words to express that how beautifully you wrote each and every things in such a beautiful manner.. hats off to you and your efforts..


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