In the interest of one & all…….. 

My dear countrymen!

With Due respect and apology to all past and present honorary and renowned leaders, I wish to urge for the very first time in sixty years of my life, I have seen a person like Arvind Kejriwal in public life worth emulating. Only now, I feel is the right time to pen my thought and convey/ share my feeling with him without any fear and hesitation. Below are some good reasons to support my above mentioned (titled) statement:

1)    So simple in look like and approach, he has some in built heroic qualities and truly speaking it is in his DNA to help the down-trodden, fight in justice prevailing almost everywhere and also to accept any challenge naturally irrespective of its nature. 

2)    To my mind, he is a man of letters and acquired in depth all round knowledge by doing and achieving many a laurels in various fields. 

3)    He is an IITian and ex-IRS, writer, RTI activist, Magsaysay award winner and social activist turned Politician (under force and compulsion). 

4)    He has the dare devil courage to challenge the might of persons like, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Robert Vadra and Narendra Modi and others including Ambani as well. Even the Americans wonder until recently nobody had the guts to challenge Vadra but Arvind Kejriwal proved them wrong. 

5)    First time in life, a common man feels empowered now and already exercising his powers in day to day life. It could have been possible only due to him. 

6)    All the rules and regulations are already in existence since Independence but he (Arvind Kejriwal) has shown the way how to use to his advantage by his actions and deeds.
7)    How soon and quickly, he accepted the challenge of politicians of all national parties, to enter politics by organising, forming a party (AAP) contesting elections, state and national level both and eventually entered in assembly and Parliament and becoming Chief Minister of Delhi twice. 

8)    Countrymen! Is it not surprising, not seems like miracles, not enough and not a record that all these such big achievements, scratch to finish tasks so soon so fast, he accomplished all within three years. Just think it over cool headed, you will definitely conclude in the affirmative, I believe. 

9)    He has the real quality of a leader to organise and pick good/ right people from all walks of life to execute his noble missions in the interest of the nation. 

10) Finally, he is a proven down-to-earth mass leader, a master strategist and in my opinion a lone anti-corruption-crusader most popular figure, recognised globally, barring a few. Simply put a complete fan in itself and all others are an integral and supporting parts of a fan irrespective of how-so-ever big are they in their professional fields/ occupations and other activities, kindly note.
On top of all, he has convinced the common man to think big and dream big. And most notably he has further demonstrated how a common man, if challenged, can also create wonders and accomplish uphill tasks of contesting election to reaching assembly and parliament to becoming MLAs, MPs, Ministers and Chief Minister so easily without even using money and muscle powers. In other words, he set the example and virtually proved the nation that “politics is no longer the domain of elite only” and also real powers rest with the common man (Aam Aadmi).

Jai Hind!

[Writer (Sinha.P.K a member, AAP) is an amateur & views are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email -pkmsinha@gmail.com or follow @ pkmsinha.blogspot.in]


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