In the interest of one & all……..

MY DEAR COUNTRYMEN - On 30th June, 2015, I will be a Senior Citizen. I am really sad & feel regret to state you all that I could not be able to go through the constitution, such an important testament till date. Regret! It was just by chance that I happen to get my son’ book and after reading them I fully realized its importance & feel proud to treat this book on constitution at par with my Holy books. Rather, I felt the need to make it compulsory for every citizen to read them in entirety & behaves accordingly in day –to-day life. 

How marvelously & comprehensively, our great late founding fathers/freedom fighters had completed this pious task of making this holy book taking into consideration every minutest detail is really laudable like miracle.

While going through its intricacies, again by chance, I got another opportunity to see the weekly episode of SAMVIDHAN on every Sunday morning. It was shown & narrated so beautifully & simply that whatever confusion was there in my mind had vanished, more because it was shown in pictorial form. I also noticed the contributions of almost all the members whom this important task was assigned. I with glued eyes bowed to them all patriots with reverence.

Can we expect even in dream that these politicians/ law makers of the day will follow this procedures & decorum in framing rules & regulations in parliament & state assemblies. In this connection, I would like to quote what writer of constitution said:

If I find the constitution being misused, I shall be the first to burn it.

I am astonished & am at a loss to understand why & how I was denied from all of them whom i had been associated with during my youth to date, the sane advice to read this pious book somehow urgently. May be due to their ignorance about its importance OR it was not in their priority.

I recall those days when in my 10th standard, my great class teacher, Mr. Tripathi who used to teach me English also often said that those of us who have not yet read RAMAYAN & MAHABHARAT cannot be called themselves as HINDUS. Alas! I, from the core of my heart wished, if he had advised me to read constitution first to be a responsible citizen, I would have felt much obliged & benefitted to the great extent.

I shall admit that I have not so far read the MAHABHARAT & RAMAYAN in their entirety, most probably due to their regular & frequent references in day- to- day life almost everywhere. 

I really wished in case we had the constitution experts, trained enough to popularize this great book of our constitution like so called DHARAMGURU sermonize the the RAMAYAN, MAHABHARAT and BHAGWAT GITA etc. so enjoyably & merrily. If this happens, I guarantee people of this country will be benefitted tremendously.

As the saying goes-Lost in the morning reached home by evening never treated as Lost. And as also owner of SONY (japan) used to say that if one gets the opportunities to learn something new even one day before his death, he must opt to learn it.

We should, therefore, make a solemn pledge to read this holy book our constitution as early as possible in order that we all be able to lead a dignified life. JAIHIND.

[Writer (sinha.p.k) is an amateur & views are strictly personal. Criticism welcome at Email - pkmsinha@gmail.com]



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