Dear Mr. Health Minister, ( Mr. J. P.Nadda )! Use TATA'S EXPERTISE in the CORE areas to make a real change but merely to manage crowds in AIIMS
In the interest of one and all......
My Dear Countrymen......!
If one happens to visit the AIIMS these days, one will find the situation similar to some sort of MELA where large emerging crowd coming hurriedly from multi-direction to loot/collect something is distributed freely.

But large crowds are very nicely attended and disciplined by available blue attired Guards to smart young chaps from TATA 's ( TCS ) and various other employees deputed from some other agencies to facilitate the coming patients.
Seeing the overcrowded place everywhere inside out, first timer patient will get disappointed at first and thinks with full of negativity and wonder in dismay is this really a place worth for world class treatment and full recovery with satisfaction?
But at the very outset, we must thank our honorable PM and Health Minister and others who have decided to bring in TATA 'S services in AIIMS to control and improve the system to the manageable and satisfactory level.
As far as the guiding the patient, managing the crowd, making the easy practically viable systems and overall operating systems are concerned, they are the best and praiseworthy. Now, Anyone can take the appointment as per his convenience and gets treatment free including tests and medicines. Some of the tests are on chargeable basis but they are at very subsided rates.
So far so good up to this level. But there are many other areas where if TATA 's expertise is used, a real turnaround may be possible very shortly. We are surprised why they have not yet been put to best use in larger public interests.
We see no reason that Govt. of India Or our HM in any respect will find themselves incompetent to implement all their ( TATA) advice in full for overall improvement in entire AIIMS in larger good of people and the nation.
The problems people face generally are not insurmountable but basically manpower shortages more including Drs. along with other medical staff and somewhere the case of putting them to proper use only.
There can not be two opinions on this that Drs. are always found to be under tremendous pressure. If sincere efforts are made to ease their pressure, it will not only be in the interests of Drs. but also the patients. Otherwise, chances of poor service delivery are great due to fatigue and this might lead to sometimes precarious situations.Also when the load is excessive, exploitation of patients can not be ruled out. Therefore, due caution needed before to ward off such situations to develop.
Just to have a bird's eye view, Mr. Minister may have a casual walk to any dept. but if he manages to spare some of his valuable time to visit only Medicine and Orthopaedics Depts, meant for the general public, it will be more than enough for him to understand what needs immediately to be done in greater interests of general public, we hope.
We would also like to draw his kind attention towards the helplessness of great Dental Dept. where waiting period for DENTURES is minimum three (03) years. No Rocket Technology is required here to abolish the waiting period altogether but simply required the increase of minimum man and material power according to us.
One more very important thing, we want to share our Experiences of about thirty-five years with you while visiting the AIIMS, is the maximum load from the eastern side only, Lion's share from an exclusive state of BIHAR /JHARKHAND. If you somehow manage to provide them same facilities somewhere there in Bihar Or UP at the most, present strength will be enough to look after entire India, believe us.
Already a beginning has been made towards this direction to open new AIIMS at GORAKHPUR and PATNA both. Work is ON there.
Kindly ensure that it is completed well before target by adopting the War Strategy and see the fragrance and wonder to be felt by the whole of India.
My Dear Countrymen......!
If one happens to visit the AIIMS these days, one will find the situation similar to some sort of MELA where large emerging crowd coming hurriedly from multi-direction to loot/collect something is distributed freely.
But large crowds are very nicely attended and disciplined by available blue attired Guards to smart young chaps from TATA 's ( TCS ) and various other employees deputed from some other agencies to facilitate the coming patients.
Seeing the overcrowded place everywhere inside out, first timer patient will get disappointed at first and thinks with full of negativity and wonder in dismay is this really a place worth for world class treatment and full recovery with satisfaction?
But at the very outset, we must thank our honorable PM and Health Minister and others who have decided to bring in TATA 'S services in AIIMS to control and improve the system to the manageable and satisfactory level.
As far as the guiding the patient, managing the crowd, making the easy practically viable systems and overall operating systems are concerned, they are the best and praiseworthy. Now, Anyone can take the appointment as per his convenience and gets treatment free including tests and medicines. Some of the tests are on chargeable basis but they are at very subsided rates.
So far so good up to this level. But there are many other areas where if TATA 's expertise is used, a real turnaround may be possible very shortly. We are surprised why they have not yet been put to best use in larger public interests.
We see no reason that Govt. of India Or our HM in any respect will find themselves incompetent to implement all their ( TATA) advice in full for overall improvement in entire AIIMS in larger good of people and the nation.
The problems people face generally are not insurmountable but basically manpower shortages more including Drs. along with other medical staff and somewhere the case of putting them to proper use only.
There can not be two opinions on this that Drs. are always found to be under tremendous pressure. If sincere efforts are made to ease their pressure, it will not only be in the interests of Drs. but also the patients. Otherwise, chances of poor service delivery are great due to fatigue and this might lead to sometimes precarious situations.Also when the load is excessive, exploitation of patients can not be ruled out. Therefore, due caution needed before to ward off such situations to develop.
Just to have a bird's eye view, Mr. Minister may have a casual walk to any dept. but if he manages to spare some of his valuable time to visit only Medicine and Orthopaedics Depts, meant for the general public, it will be more than enough for him to understand what needs immediately to be done in greater interests of general public, we hope.
We would also like to draw his kind attention towards the helplessness of great Dental Dept. where waiting period for DENTURES is minimum three (03) years. No Rocket Technology is required here to abolish the waiting period altogether but simply required the increase of minimum man and material power according to us.
One more very important thing, we want to share our Experiences of about thirty-five years with you while visiting the AIIMS, is the maximum load from the eastern side only, Lion's share from an exclusive state of BIHAR /JHARKHAND. If you somehow manage to provide them same facilities somewhere there in Bihar Or UP at the most, present strength will be enough to look after entire India, believe us.
Already a beginning has been made towards this direction to open new AIIMS at GORAKHPUR and PATNA both. Work is ON there.
Kindly ensure that it is completed well before target by adopting the War Strategy and see the fragrance and wonder to be felt by the whole of India.
Writer (Sinha.P.K a member, AAP) is an amateur and views are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @]
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