Unfolding feudal Drama will hardly pay dividends in forthcoming election of March ' 2017

My Dear Countrymen...!

In the interest of one and all...!

There was a time people used to believe that only Gandhi family of Congress Party ( INC) is Destined to rule India, particularly at National level. And it was true to the reign beginning pt. J. L.Nehru to Indira Gandhi Up to one first full tenure of Rajiv Gandhi, Though this myth has started fading away now.

Exactly so is the case of other parties too. Instead of making efforts to change this trend in overall national interest, they are following the same unholy system in their own interests with all might & main in their respective states. And most shockingly in all Party in national Or state level both there is virtually one person alone who has all the powers vested in him/her to command. Rest are simply to obey the command, Or else, shown the door. Surprisingly, there is no exception to this rule in any party.

While vociferously all the time talking about Secularism & Democracy, what people face & experience in their day to day life, just the reverse. And people always busy beating about the bush, among themselves but never try to understand the real hidden motive of the political class as a whole. This precisely is the reason we have the present rotten unhealthy political systems to suffer.

While claiming India a great democratic country, no party has the internal democracy in its party very, unfortunately. If by compulsion, one has ever tried so just for name 's sake, it had reverted to nomination system only. And this brings many ills like - yes man ship/sycophancy & nepotism.......etc in party & in our given political systems.

People of UP these days is witnessing with great shock & surprise the non- stop Mahabharata going on for the last few days in ruling Samajwadi Party Clan just on the eve of UP Election.

Instead of being helpless & poor victim to their (parties) cause, one should act as a responsible citizen & think how to make them behave & tame them particularly after Winning the election. This is possible simply by evaluating their performance & cross question them with their manifesto whenever appearing for votes either first time  Or second time. Ask direct questions & Seek their explanation about unfulfilled promises. This must be the first criteria to check their ( party/ candidate) credentials to be followed by every responsible citizen/ voter. But most, unfortunately, none follows it till date.

To cleanse the present corrupt political atmosphere, it is mandatory for every citizen to be aware of their duties & responsibilities & powers given to him by our constitution. And it must be the state ' s duty also to make them fully aware of these basics of the constitution by adopting various creative & innovative ways enabling them to behave as a responsible person in their daily life.

The hi - voltage drama of Samajwadi Party in UP has much behind it than being apparent Or shown to the people. " Haanthi Ke Dant khaana Ke aur Or dikhaane Ke aur." People are fed up & this will ultimately turn out to counterproductive.
It's the election time, nothing can be presumed as true. It's a great dilemma for a common man to understand what is going on in SP on a continuous basis for the last few days. One is perplexed to understand what might be the real intentions of doing so. A real fight between father - son duo? Or merely a marketing gimmick / hypnotic show off in a planned manner simply to ensure power this time too by hook Or crook for son, Mr.Akhilesh  taking him in lead directly Or indirectly encasing  his clean image by be fooling one more full tenure of five yrs in the name of providing the people of UP a  clean & good governance.

Whatever may be their actual intention, why should people believe them in the first place? Be they Akhilesh Or Mulayam, hardly matters, '' Blood is thicker than water'' one must not forget. Hence, to believe them their stories can never be a good idea. Therefore, in given situations, Simply, keep their feud aside & weigh/ check their performance this term. How far they have been successful in terms of delivery & fulfilling their promises mentioned in their manifesto & various commitments made before & during the election , otherwise, if one starts believing them out rightly, instead of reaching to some conclusion one may likely to be confused more & also fall  into their  game plan resulting incorrect decisions at the time of voting.

They are behaving as if there are none in the fray & people have no choice but to elect either, Mulayam Or Akhilesh. They forget that other contenders are much more powerful this time in all likelihood.

Therefore in the prevailing circumstances, it is better of them to behave maturely & vote as per their consciences & elect only those who they find best in all parameters.

Always remember this opportunity comes only once in five yrs therefore instead of losing this chance & falling prey to their dirty game - plan & suffer whole 05 years as a victim, vote after due deliberations in the overall good of the people & nation.


Writer (Sinha.P.K a member, AAP) is an amateur & views are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email -pkmsinha@gmail.com or follow @ pkmsinha.blogspot.in]


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