The multiplicity of Authorities is quite Deceptive, CLARITY needed....

In the interest of one and all...!

My dear Countrymen...!

This is purely based on our experience & understanding when we see people fighting among themselves over the matters they are basically unaware of Or most of the time found to be wrong.

Whenever we happen to meet with people officially or personally, political discussions do take place automatically. Do not know whether started purposely or otherwise simply because we are born political. We, Indian can live without food but never without political discussions.

It is very unfortunate that quality of discussion often so poor mainly due to lack of knowledge, sometimes one feels, it is better to keep silent but one has to intervene when the matter goes beyond limits. This is so not with uneducated class only but with almost all irrespective of their profession.
Not to speak of uneducated but qualified well to do persons too are found to be unaware of the multiplicity of authority here. There is no clear understanding where to go for any particular job.

Delhi is State cum UT that is one of the valid reasons for most of the problem occurs on daily basis. Problems are multiplied if there is different govt. at the center & state level. Problems intensified further if there is no co- ordination between them. Since Delhi is governed by two different govt simultaneously now, having different ideologies, programs & priorities, have perhaps the root cause of all its woes facing today almost daily. Being the capital of India & hub of headquarters of most of the govt Depts including numerous autonomous bodies, it is an uphill task for Delhi to manage & administer huge daily inflow  properly.

Delhi is already thickly populated & rising further continuously. So there are tremendous pressures on civic agencies to meet increasing demands.

There is hardly anyone we meet to date who in such situations guide & explain properly what the actual problem is & where lies the solutions. Rather, people often beat about the bush & finally abruptly ended the discussion with no outcome.
Is it not desirable first to know the minimum basics to start discussions & try to find out the actual problems,  if any & the proper solutions which are within one 's reach?

 Idea is to create such a healthy atmosphere where knowledge can be shared with each other freely in cordial environments so that everyone could be benefited one way or other & also get practical solutions to their problems & curiosity.

Reverting to subject matter, since it is unwise to assume a common man to be well versed with laws of the land to lead his simple day to day life comfortably ,
 is it not possible that one living anywhere to one 's choice must know everything in the very beginning officially Or unofficially what minimum formalities are must live a worry free life ? Herein lies the duty of the govt. to step into possibly as follows:

1) He must have an identity, if not, immediate arrangements for so.
2) What is his purpose of coming to the place of his choice?
3) In case, has come for permanent basis, what should be his source of income to make a living.
4) Where does he live?
5) If he has to join some job , it must be responsibility of the Employer to see that all the formalities are completed at his ( Employer 's ) end only for mandatory documents like  Aadhar card, photo identity card, pan card & saving bank a/c ......etc so that he doesn't have to go from pillar to post.

Same way there must be clear guidelines in a form of booklet ( must for every home freely Or at reasonably priced ) from every govt dept how to proceed for a specific job in order to avoid tout & middleman.

Generally, it is seen that structures of Delhi administration are so complex ( multilayered) that it is almost impossible for a common man to get his job done. First of all, one is not informed where & when to go for his job & in case he reaches the right place somehow, finds himself incapable of completing formalities independently.

This is the reason they have to contact the middle man & get exploited by them. Because the poor man has neither time nor money nor get leave easily to manage alone. He finds it easy to get his job done through Dalal Or Tout only. This definitely can not be an ideal situation hence discarded at the earliest.

In light of the above while it is the duty of everyone to know each & everything on his own, at the same time onus lies to the govt. at center & state level including all civic agencies/corporations too to clarify (on every civic issue relating to day to day life of common man )
precisely so that it should be crystal clear to the people the particular job related to whom Or which agency to contact for his job done & therefore if in future the problems of any nature arise Or created, one be able to pinpoint who to blame Or which department is the culprit & also fallen under whose govt. State  Or Centre so that people must be clear in their mind to teach them a lesson when the ripe time comes.


Writer (Sinha.P.K a member, AAP) is an amateur & views are strictly personal. Feedback / Criticism welcome at Email or follow @]


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